Correct replacement of input in Khrushchev

Good afternoon! I plan to replace the wiring in Khrushchev. How to replace the input to the apartment? The old aluminum cable from the shield in the entrance is hidden under the plaster. I suppose to take the VVGng 3x10 cable, put it in a metal corrugation and let it go from the drive panel on the outside to the wall of your apartment. What section should I use a 3x10 mm2 or 3x6 mm2 cable?

And another question: when replacing old wiring, is it worth pulling a three-core cable to sockets? There is no grounding in the Khrushchevs and I doubt that the next overhaul will appear if we all get together and drive the ground loop in the basement and put a separate cable in the riser (and it’s unlikely that the old ladies take care of each ruble, but hear about the grounding do not want). Therefore, I think to pull a two-core VVGng, and put a difavtomat on dangerous lines, so that at least something saves with a leak. What do you think? Thanks in advance!

(2 votes)


  • Admin

    If I understand correctly, we are talking about a cable that goes from the electric meter installed in the entrance to the apartment. In order to replace this cable, you must first contact the power supplying organization, since to connect a new cable to the metering device, it is necessary to make it unsealed and sealed, which is done exclusively by the representatives of the supplying organization. Unauthorized removal of the seal entails a large fine.
    As for the cable section, in this case it all depends on the load limit that is installed on your apartment. See which circuit breaker is installed in front of the meter. For example, if you have an automatic machine installed at a rated current of 25 A, then the load limit of your apartment is 25 A. You can check with the supplying organization regarding the possibility of increasing the load limit and if this is possible and you need it, you can simultaneously replace and unzip the meter cable and circuit breaker.
    The cable you choose based on the load limit. 6 kV copper cable mm withstands a current of approximately 45 A. Therefore, if you have a circuit breaker of 25 A or 32 A installed, then such a cable is suitable taking into account the possible overload that the circuit breaker holds for a while until its thermal release trips. Laying a cable of a larger cross section in this case makes no sense.
    If you have installed a circuit breaker in front of a meter with a larger rating, for example 40 A or 50 A (which is unlikely for Khrushchev), then in this case you must choose a cable with a cross section of 10 square meters. mm
    As for the cable, I believe that it is better to lay a three-core cable, even if the grounding of the wiring is not currently provided.Installation of new electrical wiring is usually carried out with the expectation of continuous operation, possibly after 5-10 years, grounding will be organized, and you will not need to lay new wiring, but it will be enough just to connect a third grounding conductor to the sockets.

    To answer
    • Novel

      Thanks for the answer! I’ll definitely turn to an energy sales organization, as I’ll also change the meter. In the switchboard there are 15 A black machines with an inscription made in the USSR and a single-phase meter. Apparently everything has not changed since the Khrushchev era.
      You still have not answered how to lay an input cable along the entrance? In a metal corrugation? or in the pipe? or maybe try to pull through the wall with an old cable? small distance from the switchboard to the apartment 2.5 meters

      To answer
      • Admin

        Choose the method that is most convenient for you - there is no fundamental difference.

        To answer
      • andr

        you don’t need any metalworking, since according to the rules it is grounded from 2 sides, throw a 3-wire cable into the apartment zero and ground to the zero bus separately (under 1 screw zero blue blue under the other ground yellow-green) and do not screw anything under these screws! the wired system is the tn-S f system and in old houses the tn-c system but there is grounding in the house and the circuit also in the PUE read how it is done!

        To answer
  • Roman Sergeevich

    Advice before you change the wire, take and do 2 things 1. if you think from a shield in an apartment, throw copper 4.0 VVG to an automatic machine. In Khrushchev’s there are automatic machines 32 it’s water and 16s it’s sockets and 10a it’s light, if you don’t have any brains, contact the installer hail they will help for a percentage. In Khrushchev, feel free to put 32 with water 16s into the world if you turn on the whole chandelier, there is a load then 16s evens out, put 25s on a group of sockets 25 differential. The same goes for you here.

    To answer
    • Novel

      No 25A to sockets and 16A to the light. Only 16A and 6-10A respectively. All outlets have a limit on the rated current of 16A, do not block the extra fire hazard points

      To answer

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